Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Rough-Face Girl

Martin, R. (1992). The Rough-Face Girl. New York:  Puffin Books.

This multicultural book tells the story of "rough face girl" and her ability to see the "invisible man."  The story is very similar to the classic story of Cinderella because of the evil stepsisters that are involved.  In this book the stepsisters put on their finest clothes and jewelry in hopes of impressing the invisible man.  The invisible man's sister can look into one's soul in order to see if they have a good heart. 
 This story teaches students about how beauty is really skin deep and that looks are not everything.  When you see the beauty in everything around you and treat others with kindness, then it will shine through.  The "rough face girl" had burnt hands and hair, but her kind soul and appreciation for earth's beauty made her a beautiful person.
Students can compare and contrast this book with different "Cinderella" types of books.  There are many different multicultural books that have a "Cinderella" plot and story line.  Students can read the different "Cinderella" books and can create a Venn Diagram in order to make comparisons.  Also, students will be able to learn about different beliefs, traditions, and values while reading books about different cultures.  
The book also has beautiful illustrations that show children the daily lives of Native Americans.  The second page of the book shows a painted wigwam in a village.  Nature is very important to the Native Americans because it is so beautiful.  Therefore, the wigwam had painted pictures of the sun, moon, trees, animals, and stars.
Questions that I had while reading...."Were the sisters happy or jealous at Rough Face when she married Invisible Man at the end of the book?"  "Why were her sisters selfish and rude?"
A BIG question that I have for my students is...."Why is it important to not judge someone by their looks?" 

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